
We're excited to have you as a member of the
LAUNCH TEAM for Lindsay Teague Moreno’s new book: Wake Up! which releases on October 26th, 2021.

The First 100 Launch team members to join will receive:

  • An advance digital review copy of Wake Up! (via NetGalley)
  • All the preorder bonuses, including the the downloadable art poster, a sheet to track your own 100 Day Challenge, and a letter from Lindsay to keep you focused and motivated

Here's how to join the team:

1. Pre-order
Wake Up! anywhere books are sold including Amazon or

2. Enter your info and receipt / order confirmation below.

    The activities for launch team members are:

    Read the book digital review copy ASAP

    Provide feedback & engage with Lindsay on Instagram

    Leave a review on Amazon when the book publishes (Oct. 26)

    Help spread the word about the book

    Wake Up! your life and join us!

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